Netflix menjelang UTS
binge-watching is more fun when you have something else to do.
Uhm.. jadi sebetulnya aku lagi padat sama ujian-ujian tengah semester, tapi entah kenapa semua hal jadi menarik kalo kamu mesti ngelakuin hal yang lebih penting! Kayak.. tiba-tiba aku kepengen aja gitu cuci boneka, rapihin isi lemari baju, bongkar-pasang rak buku dan bersihin debu-debunya 😖😖😖sungguh kebiasaan yang ajaib. Plis bilang ke aku kalo kalian juga sama wkwk
Uhm.. Actually I'm in the middle of exam season right now, but I don't know why everything seems more interesting if you have something more important to do! Like, out of the blue I really want to wash my dolls, re-organize my wardrobe, and cleaning my bookshelves from the dust 😖😖😖 such a strange habit I had! Please tell me if you have the same habits! lololol
Yes, yang kalian lihat, blog ini rencananya mau aku tulis pakai dua bahasa (Inggris-Indonesia) dan sebetulnya mau sama Korea juga tapi aku belum begitu jago dan masih selevel anak TK hahaha... oke balik ke topik, selain kebiasaan ajaibku buat ngelakuin hal lain pas ujian, aku juga suka banget marathon serial netflix dan baca komik. Tapi di tulisan kali ini, aku mau review serial netflix yang berhasil kutonton ditengah padatnya jadwal ujian.
Yes, as you can see, I plan to write this blog in two languages (Indonesian-English) and Korean too but unfortunately my Korean level is still the same as a kid in daycare LOL. Okay back to our main topic, besides my strange habit to do things when I also have some important things to do, I do too love binge-watching netflix and read comics(guys notice the plural here : comics. wkwkwk). But in this article I'll just focus on the series I've watched in the middle of my hectic exam day.
Sejauh ini aku berhasil nyelipin (ok, gatau itu bahasa apaan, EYD-nya menyelipkan ya😂) sekitar lima series di netflix, satu diluar netflix, and I regret no single thing mi amor :)
I've managed to watched about five series on netflix and one series outside the platform. And I regret no single thing mi amor :)
Oke, yaaaaaaaaaaang pertama adalah "Monster House", terdengar familiar? hoho ini film jaman dulu tahun 2006. Aku gapernah nonton film ini, karena serius demi apapun-- main gamenya aja aku bisa mimpi buruk dan pipis di celana karena takut. (iya, dulu aku segemas itu penakut sekali). Meski film dari 14 tahun yang lalu, grafiknya pas kutonton itu super HD dan smooth. Ceritanya juga gemes, aku bakal kasih rating buat film ini 4,5/5!
sumber : Google
Okay, the first one is "Monster House", sounds familiar? hoho it's and old movie from 2006. I never watch this movie before because I was a scaredy cat, even just playing the game of it I'll have a nightmare and wet my pants because I used to think it's so scary. Despite it is an old movie from fourteen years ago, the graphic was super HD and the story is cute! I'll give 4,5 stars out of 5.
Yang kedua, ada "The Call". Film baru yang awalnya aku gak-sreg nonton karena males liat darah-darah dan organ tubuh manusia yang berceceran. Seenggaknya itu yang pertama kupikir pas lihat trailer film ini. Ternyata enggakkk gaisssssssss! ini itu aman dari suudzon aku sebelumnya dan endingnya- ugh aku pengen banget diskusi endingnya sama kalian! layak dibicarakan BANGET ending dari film ini tuh. Tipikal film yang bikin lelah jantung, aku ngerasa capek habis nonton film ini karena atmosfernya bener-bener penuh tekanan, asik parah.. aku harap netflix bakal sering-sering buat film begini dan ratingku 4,8/5
Sumber : Google
Yang ketiga, huwaaah aku mulai males nulis ginian dan berharap gegoleran wkwk. Ada "7 Seeds" serial anime netflix original di adaptasi dari komik tahun 2001 karya Yumi Tamura. Ceritanya tentang 7 manusia di masing-masing kelompok 4 musim, 7x4????? ya segitulah manusianya. Mereka dibangunkan setelah akhir jaman yang sudah diprediksi ilmuwan seluruh dunia, bermisi untuk mencegah umat manusia punah. Genrenya sci-fi, survival dan aku rasa ini sangat underrated sih (termasuk aku dulu yang pernah meremehkan anime ini) buatku sendiri, ceritanya rada lamban tempo-nya tapi tetep asik! Aku sebetulnya terpaksa nonton anime ini karena gatau lagi mau pake pelarian apa di tengah UTS 😂 tapi berujung nge-fans sama mahakarya ini. Ratingku 4,3/5
Btw ada 24 episode ya!
Sumber : Google
The third is "7 Seeds" , it's adapted from manga by Yumi Tamura in 2001. It's netflix original series that tell a tale about 7 seeds in four different type of group that based on seasons, they are waken up after the end of the world that had been predicted by worldwide scientists and the purpose of this group is to prevent human to extinct. The genre is sci-fi and survival. I think this is the most underrated anime but I'll give it 4,3/5. It has 24 episode and I end it in three
Akhirnya kita sampai ke nomer empat, ada "Kono Oto Tomare!", bukan buatan netflix tapi ada di netflix. Style kesukaanku dan bercerita tentang klub koto di SMA Jepang yang isinya anak-anak nakal. Sebetulnya daya tarik anime ini- koto sih, aku gatau apa itu koto? dan ada tulisan anak nakal. Menarik. Lagi romance disini gak terlalu romance tapi uwu gak nahan, sukaaakk!! Ada 26 episode dan kuhabisin dalam dua hari. Jadi koto itu alat musik tradisional Jepang uwu dan ratingku 4,9/5.
Sumber : Google
Finally we arrived in number four, "Kono Oto Tomare!", It's not netflix original but it is in netflix, the anime captured my heart with its style and it's about koto club in Japanese Highschool that has many delinquent students as the member of the club! The essential thing that atrracted me to this anime is koto, what is it? I don't know about koto at all and it's written that the club has delinquent students as member! Interesting. So turns out that koto is Japanese traditional musical instrument.The romance in here is not too much but enough to make you feel the uwu and squeal all the time.. I LIKE IT BRUH, it has 26 episodes and I watched it for two days, I'll give it 4,9/5.
Kita ada di nomer 5! yay, adaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa "Zodiac Wars" yang barusan kutonton hari ini juga ada dua belas episode dan.. yah, temponya lumayan cepet tapi anime ini seru parah! Aku gabisa memprediksi siapa-siapa yang menang diantara 12 zodiak yang bertarung
ini, ratingku bakal 4,7/5 karena aku sebel zodiak tahun lahirku metong duluan sebelum perang HAHAHAHHA, tebak zodiakku apa ;)
Sumber : Google
We are in number five! "Zodiac Wars" , I just watch it today and there is twelve episode in this anime, the pace is fast enough but still fun and worth to watch! I can't predict who is going to win among twelve zodiac (always missed) I'd give it 4,7/5 because my zodiac is dead even before the war started.. sad. Guess what is my zodiac! ;)
Akhirnya abis juga, ada nomer enam kesukaanku karena YAAMPUN ANIMASINYA KEREN PARAH u_u, "Jujutsu Kaisen" masih on-going bakal ada 24 episode sih katanya.. atau 26? aku baru liat 9 episode dari 10. Aku lanjut komik tapi gamau spoiler buat anime jadi kuputuskan buat stop hehe, Aku nontonin ini seharian full dan jatuh cinta sama semua karakternya. Karena belum habis, aku jadi gabisa kasih rating.. tapi kalo kamu maksa aku bakal rating 4,9/5 sih.. ending animasinya owo sekali!
Sumber : Google
Finally it's the last one, number six is my ultimate favorite because OMG LOOK AT THE ANIMATION u_u, "Jujutsu Kaisen" is still on-going and it will have 26 or maybe 24 episodes, It's not ending yet so I can't give my personal star for this anime but if you insist, I'll give it 4,9/5 just check it out. It's real good. I only watched 9 from 10 episodes and then continue on comic but I decided to stop because I do not want my anime experience ruined by spoiler.. I watched it in one day and fell in love with every character.💓💓💓
Itu aja review film-series dariku yang kubuat sebagai pelarian UTS besok ada dua matkul T_T hahah, jangan ditiru ya.. aku mesti lanjut lagi belajar. Ini blog pertama aku, semoga kedepannya bisa nulis blog lebih terstruktur dan gak kaku wkwk karena ini berantakan banget sumpah, aku nyadar kok 👉👈
That's all my review for binge-watching in the middle of exam season, thus I made this article to escape from the reality that tomorrow I'll had two exams T_T please don't be like me.. hahah. I must continue my study for exam, I hope I'll be able make better blog because ye I realize that this one is a mess and lack in many aspects lololol.. have a nice day!
Jujutsu Kaisen ED my fav!^^
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